Thursday 8 May 2014

Bring Back Our Girls - #BBoG

Just over one  month ago a plane carrying over 200 passengers mysteriously disappeared with no trace of it's whereabouts till date. Even though such happenings only occurred in movies - that is where aliens invade the earth and suck everyone out, miraculously leaving behind (at least) one person who goes on ahead to rescue the captives - it happened in real life and the event or mishap or "whatchamacallit" seemed to "kick everyone's teeth in"...left every last one of us "speechless", as Wacko Jacko succinctly puts it.

However, there were no "left Behinds", in that incident, to at least give the rest of the world a clue as to, how to rescue the others or where to search. The incident, methinks, even though it rattled our nests, and gave us food for thought, it didn't affect most of us very much, since we only saw it on TV. Unconsciously, it still appeared to us like we were seeing a movie and so it didn't really sink in very much, even though we were touched by the disappearance.
But recently for over two weeks ago now, over 200 girls (now "200" is the number again, "missing" is the for thought) were abducted from a school in the Northern part of Nigeria. A school they shouldn't have been in the first place. A school that should have been shut...and the exam moved to a safer location. Now with this case it's all of a sudden so real to us. Why? These girls are our "colour", live near us, speak a language as we speak and in the most striking reason is because, we know some of them either personally or closely.

I like to state here that, I'm not trying to in anyway, belittle the disappearance of the Malaysian flight or anything like that; but I'm trying to say that we're more empathetic with this situation because these girls are our, sisters, cousins, daughters, students, friends and neighbours...they live almost next door to us. All of a sudden everyone is lending a voice to the same cause, not because we have all been deaf, but because we have realized that this particular handshake has extended beyond the elbow, it has Now become a wrestling match. We have all realized that the hand of the monkey has stayed too long in the soup pot and hence it has become the hand of a man.

Pete Edochie a renowned Nigerian movie actor said once that, "the cow rushing to America, will return as Corned Beef". I at this juncture say that, Sheikh Shekau and his bloodthirsty and cowardly pedophiles, have rushed to America and as it is; they can only return as corned beef. Because all of a sudden the Nigerian populace have developed an insatiable desire for Corned beef.

We have been pushed to the wall, and like that proverbial goat "we are ready to start the biting". The mothers have grieved, the nation has bled, the people have cried, the United States special forces have arrived, the Chinese have offered their help too...even our "Bingoes" are barking, and Almighty God is interested in this case right now. These sick BASTARDS are going to be put out of their misery for good.

Bring Back Our Girls!

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